CP Test & Valvco offers a diverse range of exclusive products and solutions at affordable prices. We pride ourselves on providing high quality products in CP Test-Valvco GAS, TEST, WATER & SEWER installations. Industry registered Trademarks include CP, CP TEST & VALVCO and identify our complete product line. AIS compliant products guaranteed. Includes but not limited to our TWAB, SEWAB as well as our line of CP Test Stations.
Small or large, your request will be met with expert advice, individualized attention, and innovative solutions.
Click to download our product brochures below:
- CP Test Valve Boxes Brochure
- Includes Valve Boxes, Curb Boxes, and Roadway Boxes
Click to download our product brochures below:
- TWAB – Tracer Wire Access Box
- Available Lids: Test, Tracer Wire, Water, Sewer, Gas
- 311
- Available in bury depths up to 102″
- 323
- Available in bury depths up to 102″